The Cost of Home Campaign
At Habitat for Humanity, we know that a family should never have to spend more than 30 percent of their income on a home. But consider that today over 18 million U.S. households pay half or more of their income on a place to live. That is unacceptable.
That means that 1 in 6 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. Instead, 1 in 6 families are forced to make impossible choices. Safe homes. Nutritious food on the table. Health care. Access to good schools. Reliable transportation. Which would you choose?
HFHMM has proudly joined Habitat for Humanity’s first national advocacy campaign. Over the next 5 years, we commit to helping mobilize resources and create policies that will allow 10 million more people across the US to meet their most basic needs.
Learn more about Cost of Home today.
Learn more about the case for Homeowner and Renter Assistance to prevent displacement during the pandemic.
How you can Take Action:
Advocate Locally
- Review HFHMM’s 2020-2021 Advocacy Platform
- Join HFHMM’s Advocacy Ambassador email list serve to receive important local legislative updates and calls to action.
- Support the Montgomery Housing Alliance, a coalition of organizations focused on increasing the rate of preservation and development of affordable housing in Montgomery County.
- Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of and need for affordable housing in our community.
- Spread the word on Social Media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Review our Common Misconceptions Flyer and help combat misinformation.
Advocate Nationally
- Are you registered to vote? Don’t wait for an election – register to vote today! Make sure your voice is heard in future elections.
2. Support the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act! This bipartisan legislation would create a tax credit to encourage private equity investment in the development and renovation of homes for homeownership in distressed neighborhoods.
3. Help support legislation that helps all Americans by supporting Habitat’s work at the federal level. You can support federal calls to action, budget appropriation requests, and even attend Habitat on the Hill, Habitat’s annual legislative conference. Learn more today.
Advocate Globally
Access to land lies at the heart of ending poverty – without land, there can be no housing and housing is the key to stability and opportunity. Solid Ground is a global advocacy campaign to improve access to land for shelter. By using your voice to improve access to safe and secure land, you can help create the foundation for better housing. Join Solid Ground today.
Our Advocacy in Action:
HFHMM was excited to see a Zoning Text Amendment passed unanimously in Montgomery County to make it easier to build Accessory Dwelling Units! Habitat was a strong advocate in support of this text amendment, co-authored an Op-Ed published in Greater Greater Washington, and was recognized in Builder Magazine for our work.
For more information please contact our Vice President of Community Development, Sarah Reddinger at Sarah.Reddinger@HabitatMM.org or 301-990-0014 ext. 27.