Habitat for Humanity Global Village
About Habitat for Humanity’s Tithe Program to Nepal
The word “tithe” comes from the tradition in which people of certain faiths donate ten percent of their income to their religious institution. Through Habitat’s tithe program, Habitat partners are encouraged to donate a tenth of what they raise in support of house building in another country, encouraging all programs to participate in the international effort to eliminate poverty housing.
HFHMM Tithes 10% of all unrestricted donations to the Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Nepal. In addition, HFHMM has agreed to partner with Nepal for a minimum of one year during which time we hope to help stabilize housing in disaster affected areas and provide safe and decent shelters in which families can raise their families. In the wake of the earthquakes in Nepal, we need to work together more than ever to provide pathways to permanence for the families affected.
Interested in joining HFHMM on a Global Village Trip?
Contact Team Leader Sarah Reddinger, Director of Program Services, at SarahReddinger@HabitatMM.org