What’s New at Habitat Metro Maryland?

Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland is proud to share the wonderful work of our volunteers, families, staff and community partners. HFHMM has been fortunate to work with a wide range of broadcast, print, radio and internet media. We have been featured on local television programs, networks and cable programming.

We encourage members of the press to partner with us. If you are interested in covering a build event, profiling an HFHMM family, speaking with volunteers, visiting our homes or learning more about the work that we do, please contact our Development Department at Development@HabitatMM.org or 301-990-0014 x 1025.

Police help rebuild a Habitat for Humanity house for a young family

In the News- Press Releases

See media coverage of Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland & more !

John Paukstis, Executive Director, on Through the Noise.