Our History

Founded in 1982, Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland (HFHMM) creates opportunities for lower income families to break the cycle of poverty through homeownership. We believe a decent place to live and an affordable mortgage creates a situation where homeowners can save more, invest in education, pursue opportunities and gain better financial stability. Since we began, we have mobilized the community to work alongside families to build 63 new homes, rehabilitate 39 vacant, distressed properties, and complete 632 weatherization and repair projects throughout Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. In doing so, we have helped over 1,460 people realize strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable housing. We have issued over $16 million in zero-interest financing and spent over $23 million on construction in the local community. HFHMM’s programs serve qualified lower income families who earn up to 80% of the area median income (AMI), live in substandard housing or are significantly housing cost-burdened, are willing to partner and complete sweat equity on their house and are not able to secure conventional financing to either purchase a new home or to effect repairs on their existing property.
Letter from Board Chair
Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland has had a very busy year of transition, growth and accomplishment. This past year, we served 94 people through our homeownership, home preservation, and aging in place programs including 22 children who now have a decent place to live because of your support for Habitat. That brings the total number of individuals served since our founding 40 years ago to just over 1,460. It is so impressive to reflect on Habitat’s impact while at the same time we recognize the need to do more for individuals in our community.
At Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland, we strive to improve our community by building strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable homeownership. We believe everyone should have an affordable place to live to take care of their families and build a future. Our success is directly related to the thousands of volunteers, individual donors, corporate supporters, community leaders and others who are committed to working with families to lay the foundation for a brighter tomorrow.
Thank you for being part of our Habitat story and for improving the lives of your neighbors right here in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. Thank you for helping us achieve our goal.
Mary LoGiudice, Chair*
Gerard McLoughlin, Jr., Vice Chair*
Scott Umosella, Treasurer*
Stephanie P. Anderson, Secretary*
Geoffrey Barker
Rev. Rachel Cornwell
Tiffany Dodson
Ken Gordon
Christopher Hatcher
Peggy Jones
Mac Lillard
Roberto Montesinos
Michelle Morenza
Ericc Powell*
John Pranzatelli*
Nicholas Serenyi
Susan Traver*
Pasco Umbriac
*Denotes Executive Committee Member
Margaret Abraham
Ogue Addeh
Jeffrey Adler
Kristian Anderson
Stephanie Anderson
Sarah Austin
Heather Baker
Denyse Baker
Christine Barbour
Jean Barnes
Larry Blandford
Chelsea Boo
Elise Bowman
Eva Brake
Renee Brodsky
Laurie Bryan
Michael Bucci
Loanna Bui
Susan Bundock
Jean Butera
Maritza Carnegie
Helen Cawley
Dawn Clarke
Anne Clements
Deborah Cochran
Rachel Cornwell
Kathleen Creel
Margaret Cromelin
Jacqueline Cronin
Donald Cuming
Laura Davis
Ray Day
Tina Del Casale
Sevda Deldari
Cheryl DiFrank
Trang Do
Katharine Donato
Dipannita Dutta
Cynthia Dyballa
Jennifer Eck
Elizabeth English
Maritza Falcon
Faye Finch
Cathryn Formichella
Denise Fortin
Devon Fox
John Gaffney
Monica Gavala
Kenneth Gordon
Sara Gorman
Meredith Gramlich
Lydia Greenlees
Tanul Gupta
Rebecca Halpin
Elizabeth Harvey
Melissa Hausfeld
John Henika
Sari Hornstein
Edward Hummers Jr.
Florence Hunt
Meredith Jacobs
Margaret Jones
Jolie Jupiter
Nancy Kavanaugh
verona Kelly
Arlet Koseian-Beckham
Mimi Kress
Kelly Kuber
June Kyakobye
Colleen Lewallen
Leslie Liberato
Kevin Lippincott
Mary LoGiudice
Sara Love
Matthew Mantich
Nancy Markowitz
Maureen Maurano
Jackie McAllister
Karen McClellan
Karen McCullough
Ronda McDowell
Stephanie McHugh
Tyrone Mcqueen
Elinore Mercer
Ilene Miller
Susan Miller
Stacey Milne
Marissa Minor
Tina Miranda
Amanda Moore
Giselle Morch
Michelle Morenza
Rhonda Mortensen
Sharon Myrick
Christine Nigida
Michael Opincar
Amy Orr
Myra Outlaw
Linda Oyolu
andrea papermaster
Karen Parker
Victoria Petrides
Sintia Petrosian
Andrew Pierce
Beth Posada
Ericc Powell
Indira Prajapati
Michael Rafter
Irina Ramos
Julianna Reckendorf
Maria Rico
Richard Riddle
Marcus Roder
Lisa Rodriguez
Margaret Rowe
Dominique Rychlik
Nick Serenyi
Harini Shandilya
Michele Shannon
Pam Smart
Crystal Smith
Amy Snyder
Stephanie Sola-Sole
Marissa Sotiriou
Tracy Spencer
Dawn Stallard
Kathy Staudaher
Kenzi Stewart
Oona Stieglitz
David Sullivan
Yvette Tarlov
Tina Thoman
Susan Traver
Emma Tuberty-Vaughan
Meredith Uebersax
Pasco Umbriac
Scott Umosella
Deirdre Vo
Denise Vu
Karen Walker
Nora Whitescarver
Debra Witt
Sharon Yeager
Linda Youngentob
Victoria Zagaria
My name is C. F. Richardson Jr. I’m the single parent of my four children; Brenden (13), CJ (11), Bryson (7) and Kendra (3). Originally from the Bronx, NY, I relocated my family in 2010 to Maryland in order to pursue a career in law enforcement where I’m currently employed. I also wanted to provide a better life for my children. Before moving into our new Habitat home, I was a resident of Prince George’s County, MD and what I want people to know about my family story is the excitement that I have for the opportunity to provide a home for my children to grow in. I lived in a 2-bedroom apartment in Laurel, MD. The apartment was okay when the kids were younger, but we had outgrown the space. I think the limited space forced the kids to be on top on each other. No one had enough space to call anything their own. The limited space also made the home very cluttered.
When I first got the news that I was selected, my family members were all excited and reminded me to thank God. The kids wanted to see pictures of the house and wanted to know if it had a basement. I told them I wanted them to be surprised when they saw it. Being a homeowner has been a life goal of mine and I have expressed to my family the idea of having a legacy. This achievement will be an example I can show my family in perseverance and obtaining goals. I am most excited about being in my own backyard on a summer evening grilling dinner for my family while my kids are running around in the yard.
I decided to apply to Habitat when I became frustrated with being denied loans from banks to purchase a home. Purchasing a home from Habitat helps my family by allowing them the space to grow and enjoy their childhood.
Habitat for Humanity ReStores play an integral part in Habitat’s mission, generating unrestricted revenue for our work. This enables more homeowners to achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance they need to build better lives for themselves and their families. Proudly owned and operated by Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland, our two ReStores are open to the public seven days a week.
From its humble beginnings in a cramped space on Gaither Road in Gaithersburg in 2006, ReStore has become one of the largest contributors to HFHMM’s affordable housing program in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. By purchasing from and donating to the ReStore, everyone not only gets great deals on materials, they also help fund the construction of homes in our local community and divert tons of materials from landfills. FY22 sales increased by 9% due to the amazing generosity of our donors in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties.
Beyond the affordable home purchase opportunities that so many associate with Habitat for Humanity, we also offer a range of home preservation programs for income-qualified homeowners. The goal of these programs is to provide comprehensive repairs and modifications that address health, safety, and accessibility issues and help to alleviate energy-related cost-burden for households throughout Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. As stated by Habitat for Humanity International, “A home is not affordable if it is not energy efficient, healthy, and safe throughout the entire life cycle of the home.”
In FY22, Habitat launched two exciting new home preservation programs.
Repair and Accessibility Modification Program (RAMP):This program is a construction-based resource aimed at identifying and addressing health, safety and accessibility related needs in the homes of families where at least one household member struggles with one or more Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). The goal of this program is to provide owner-occupied homes with a safe, healthy, and accessible environment in a comprehensive way using the expertise of an Occupational Therapist (OT), and optional consultation with a Registered Nurse (RN) to determine best-fit accessible solutions for housing challenges.
Prince George’s County Homeownership Preservation Program (HOPP): This program is a partnership between Habitat and the Prince George’s Department of Housing and Community Development and is funded through American Rescue Plan Act dollars allocated by the Prince George’s County Council. The program provides up to $50,000 worth of health, safety, and accessibility related home repairs to income-qualified homeowners in the County.
Habitat continued to operate its weatherization program funded by the Maryland Energy Administration and the Montgomery County Homeowner Energy Efficiency Program in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Habitat completed 28 energy efficiency related projects in FY22 making homes more comfortable and decreasing energy bills. In the coming years, Habitat will begin helping homeowners electrify their homes, making homes safer and reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions.
At Habitat for Humanity, we know that a family should never have to spend more than 30 percent of their income on a home. But consider that today over 18 million U.S. households pay half or more of their income on a place to live. That means that 1 in 6 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. Instead, 1 in 6 families are forced to make impossible choices. Safe homes. Nutritious food on the table. Health care. Access to good schools. Reliable transportation. Which would you choose?
Habitat Metro Maryland believes EVERYONE should have access to safe, stable, healthy and affordable housing across the continuum. For far too long, housing segregation and discrimination have caused massive inequities in our neighborhoods affecting health outcomes, educational outcomes, future income potential, generational wealth, and access to high quality food, public amenities, and transportation. Habitat asserts that we must all work collectively to create equitable policies that ensure EVERYONE has access to thriving communities and high quality housing that’s affordable to them.
In FY22, HFHMM was active on the County, State, and Federal levels supporting the following policy priorities:
-Increasing the supply and preservation of affordable housing
-Equitably increasing access to credit
-Optimizing land use for affordable homes
-Ensuring access to and development of communities of opportunity.
Habitat advocates for affordable housing solutions from homelessness to homeownership. We are members of the Montgomery Housing Alliance and the Community Development Network of Maryland through which we amplify our voices through collective advocacy efforts. In FY22, Habitat successfully advocated for the passage of Montgomery County’s general plan Thrive 2050, record funding of $150M in the Housing Initiative Fund, statewide eviction data collection tools, building decarbonization funds, the use of County and State owned land for affordable housing, and many more legislative priorities. Habitat is also participating in a national effort to advance black homeownership and is excited to share more on this initiative in the coming years.
2nd Annual Polo Classic
Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland hosted its 2nd Annual Polo Classic on September 18, 2021. This “Derby” feel outdoor event was held at the beautiful Congressional Polo Club in Poolesville, MD. Individuals and businesses helped raise nearly $63,000 for affordable housing and enjoyed an afternoon outdoors with music, tailgating, and contests including "Best Hat" and "Sharpest Dressed Man."
13th Annual Building Hope From Home Morning Mixer
On November 4, 2021, Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland hosted its 13th Annual Affordable Housing Virtual Morning Mixer. During the inspirational program, guests learned more about the generational impact of decent and affordable homes, heard from a Veteran served by our Critical Home Repair Program and his personal story, and got the latest updates on our current Habitat projects and plans to serve more families in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. Together, our affiliate raised nearly $132,000 towards affordable housing in our local community.
17th Annual John Lippincott Memorial Golf Tournament
Nearly 140 golfers gathered on Friday, June 3, 2022 for Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland's 17th Annual John Lippincott Memorial Golf Tournament at the Whiskey Creek Golf Club in Ijamsville, Maryland. The nearly $144,000 in proceeds raised from the event directly helps HFHMM continue its work of building decent & affordable housing with low-income families in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. This year’s event included an 18-hole round of golf at Whiskey Creek’s award-winning course, on course contests, auctions, and raffles.
17th Annual Golf Tournament Photos
Women Build 2022
Women Build is a multi-month event where women join together and work to recruit, nurture, train, and empower women in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties to address and help solve the housing crisis in their own neighborhood. Our program encourages women to become empowered to break down stereotypes, learn the skills needed to build a home, and help raise awareness about the critical need for affordable housing. This year, 51 teams of up to 10 women came together to help local families build a decent and affordable place they can call home. Raising nearly $318,000 from individuals and businesses in our community, these women helped to transform lives by making decent and affordable housing a reality for people in need. During FY22, Women Build teams helped demo a future duplex home in Takoma Park, MD and helped build our 103rd, 104th and 105th homes.
Habitat for Humanity is a global organization working in more than 70 countries. Collectively, affiliates across the world have helped more than 39 million people improve their living conditions. It has always been Habitat for Humanity’s mission to eradicate substandard housing worldwide. In an effort to achieve this mission and to recognize the interconnectedness of our work and the world, every Habitat affiliate is asked to send a percentage of its unrestricted fundraising to an affiliate in another country.
Since its founding, HFHMM has contributed more than $608,000 to building homes overseas resulting in 168 homes being built internationally. For the past seven years, HFHMM has shared resources with Habitat Nepal, supporting their efforts to recover from the earthquake of 2015, strengthen women’s land rights, and build disaster resilient homes.
HFHMM staff and board members are Global Village Team Leaders. The Global Village program is an opportunity for volunteers to help build decent and affordable housing around the globe. Our staff has participated in trips to rural Armenia, El Salvador, Fiji, Indonesia, Lesotho, Paraguay, Nepal, Macedonia, and Portugal.